Friday, September 24, 2010

Momentous Issues

In the burgeoning crisis where every country is just trying to pull out their socks for the upliftment of the problems like poverty eradication, reaching millenium development goals, turmoil of immense population rise especially for India & the China, malnutrition of childens, global warming and many more, we can not hide ourselves with the burning issue of the rise in the freight activities. In this growing economy after the severe financial crisis 2008 now India has touched the GDP 7% is about to touch 8% - 9% within a year as per the latest report submitted by the finance minister in the house. The snowball of vehicles rise in the market day by day has not only increased the bottom line of the automobile industry, also had kept the government in a worry situation of managing the traffic movements. Now I think you all must have got the theme of this title. yes, it is Management of Traffic movements.

To me the controlling of emerging threat of increase in traffic is one of the biggest problem that India would face very soon. Time is not very far when everyone will be chocked up in the market for hours to travel just a few kilometres of distance. I know when I visited once in Ahmedabad It took almost 1.5 hours to travel from Geeta Mandir bus stand to Express way Highway. Also recently in Malaysis govt. has told that those who do not have parking availability have to park their vehicles in Garrage. Henceforth, it is one of the biggest problem that needs a great concern from every individuals of the country.

The alternative to this problem is we can ask the government to ban all the vehicles costing less than 3.5 lacs. This demotes the purchasing power of the individual as a result helps in suppressing the effect of global warming. Also it enhances the optimal utilization of fuel resources.
Another alternative is we can use the sea route for transportation but it will not sustain.
Last but not the least, all the individuals of the country have to understand their rights to traffic control movements. They have to understand when to use car & when not and how efficiently the vehicle should be used......

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